“Just great” – Lauren Laverne, 6Music “Such a dope track!” – (Wordy) Jason Pulaski, KUCI radio “Piano loops for days n days, bouncier than a rabbit on a space hopper. This will take clubs apart”- Sabotage Times “I love the upcoming EP.. Inspiring work!” – Todd Edwards
Read moreOn first listen to the top quality demo sent in by Titeknots, which showcased the UK-based producer’s luminous and genre-mashing take on house music, A&R Robert Luis just knew that these tunes would go down a storm on the dancefloor and snapped them up for a Tru Thoughts release. Two of these tracks, ‘Mind Open’ and ‘Wordy’, are set for the debut single on 16th September 2013. The future is bright for this new artist. Watch this space.