Keeping Me Up
The Sindecut & Ijeoma
Released: 9 Jan 2025
Label: Tru Thoughts
Pioneering British Hip-Hop crew The Sindecut, featuring founding member DJ Fingers and New York-based Geordie singer-songwriter Ijeoma, kick off 2025 with their brand-new single, “Keeping Me Up”— a testament to restless nights and late-night inspiration.
Building on the momentum of their 2023 debut album ‘Late’ and the 2024 EP ‘Early’, the duo continue their two-decade-long collaborative journey, showcasing their ability to balance innovation with nostalgia. Reflecting on their progress, DJ Fingers shares, “Ever since signing to Tru Thoughts, I’ve been developing new tracks with Ijeoma for future releases. ‘Keeping Me Up’ is a hint of the direction we are going creatively.” Ijeoma elaborates on the inspiration behind the single: “Ever had a noisy neighbour? It’s about one, and the thoughts that creep up on you when you’re tired and can’t sleep. I started writing ‘Keeping Me Up’ during one of those nights when my brain was in overdrive.”
The pair’s creative process is a testament to their seamless long-distance collaboration. With DJ Fingers based in London and Ijeoma in New York, they craft their music by sharing ideas back and forth. The track features an unexpected twist, flipping into an entirely new sonic space by the end. “I love how the beats sound like someone banging on the wall,” Ijeoma shares, underscoring the playful yet relatable theme.