Trickle Up EP
Palm Skin Productions
Released: 2 Mar 2023
Label: Tru Thoughts
Palm Skin Productions – AKA versatile musician, producer, and DJ Simon Richmond – announces new four-track EP titled Trickle Up’, a revolutionary call to arms against trickle down economics.
EP opener and lead-single “Trickle Up” is an acid-tinged, dancefloor-stomper; “Stealing The Sunset” melds live electronic sounds with a low-slung bass guitar (played with a 2 pence piece for added grit); “Back To Detroit” enacts on Simon’s cut-up fidget sound blueprint while paying homage to the motor city, and lastly “Du(m)b Witness” pulsates with a brash UK swagger. Talking about the meaning of the EP, Simon explains:
“Trickle Up to me is all about resisting the many forces that try to drag us down in different ways. The way the UK has been governed for well over a decade has been characterised by a downward trajectory as the extreme acquisition of wealth is increasingly rewarded at the expense of everyone else’s well-being”
“We are being dragged down by low expectations of our governments, happiness, stability, social and cultural support. Trickle Down Economics is the cruel joke of a theory that if enough wealthy people are made wealthier, mostly through tax cuts and the withdrawal of social support, then a proportion of their excessive riches somehow filters down to the rest of society.”
Simon adds a call to action, against the grim reality: “We are all here at the bottom looking up waiting for drips. I think it’s time to instigate a Trickle Up system, whereby the people rise up and slowly start to affect change. We don’t get change by waiting for it to come down to us. It’s not just about the stark reality of money, it’s also about all of life – Trickle Up is a celebration, a paying forward, a reminder that we can help each other elevate.”